Saturday, June 20, 2009

July 4th, 2009

Savannah Swings!

Saturday, July 4 at 6 p.m.
Presented by the Lucas Theatre

This annual tradition combines patriotic, swingin' music, a New Orleans-style procession and reserved seats on River Street.

First, enjoy a big-bang concert in the air-conditioned Lucas Theatre with "Jeremy Davis and the Fabulous Equinox Jazz Orchestra" with singers Clay Johnson, Adam Jones, Trae Gurley and Huxsie Scott and Kim Polote.

Then, follow the band, New Orleans-procession style from the front of the Lucas down the Abercorn ramp down to River Street. There, you will find reserved seats for fireworks viewing right on the river.

Tickets for the concert, parade and seats are $25 for adults, and $10 children 12 and under. There is a $5 discount for military, fire & police.

Prior to the concert, the First City Club is catering a picnic in Reynolds Square from 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Tickets for this picnic are available for an additional $20 for adults, $15 for children 12 and under.

All tickets are available by calling 912-525-5050 or online. Click here for the concert and picnic combo. Click here for the concert only.

Read the news stories about the show:

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